NC Student Assist Loan - Estimate Monthly Loan Payments

If you're thinking about borrowing to pay for college, this calculator can provide you an estimate of what your monthly payments could be based on figures you input below.

Many students choose to borrow each year to help cover tuition and other expenses. If you are borrowing for a one-time expense, select the "one-time" option below. For the most accurate calculation, change "years in school" to match your remaining years in school.


The loan amount cannot exceed the cost of attendance less other financial aid as determined by the school.




The standard repayment term is 10 years.

*About Interest Rates

Fixed interest rate for qualified borrowers when in repayment using auto-draft.

**About Repayment Options

When you begin to make any payments can have a significant impact on the total cost of your loan. Here's how Repayment Options are used in this calculator:

  • Full Deferment: You pay no loan principal or interest while in school, including a six-month grace period after leaving school. Interest that accrues during this period is capitalized (added to the principal balance of the loan) at the end of the six-month grace period before payments begin.
  • Interest Only: You pay your loan's interest while in school and during a six-month grace period, meaning your payments and total loan cost will be lower than Full Deferment.
  • Immediate Repayment: You begin to repay your loan as soon as it is disbursed. This option offers the lowest total cost.

The accuracy of this calculator is not guaranteed by any party and is intended for educational purposes only. The calculator displayed does not constitute the advice of, or reflect actual products, services, rates and/or terms available from College Foundation, Inc. and nothing contained in the calculator shall constitute a loan offer or solicitation of a product or service by College Foundation, Inc.